We currently only ship to Canada
Orders usually take up to 8 business days to arrive
We offer discounted shipping for orders over $59.99
Return Policy
Unfortunately, we have a no return policy due to the items being a perishable good, which means once your purchase is made, it is final sale. Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item.
If you receive the wrong item, please email us at - We will make things right
Our treats are made in Canada
Surpaws Box
The process is very simple and easy
1. Once Subscribed, we send you an email
2. You will need to provide the details of who you would like to send it to
3. We need the following information:
First and Last Name, Address of Delivery, Phone number, Dog Name (if you know it)
4. Every month you have the option to add some marketing into the box. You can ship us your own marketing or we will include a note on behalf of you (free of charge)
5. Your Package will then be shipped out on the 30th of each month
Unfortunately, once you subscribe, their are no refunds - It is final sale